Festive for the Holidays with Swiss Chalet

holiday festive special swiss chalet

Well the countdown is on and Christmas is nearly here! Time seems to fly during the month of December and if you’re anything like me, cooking kind of goes out the window in favour for meals out with family and friends, dinner parties and then finally when you’re home for a night - ordering in! haha

Since James is going to England this year for Christmas, it’ll be Herman and I home alone for a bit over this busy holiday season and truthfully, sometimes cooking for one just isn’t on the agenda! So, when I’m feeling festive and wanting a meal that feels home cooked and gives me the cozy, yummy, holiday meal vibes without the cooking - my go to is the Festive Holiday Special from Swiss Chalet.

festive holiday meal

This meal is a bit of a favourite of mine, and a tradition that I make sure to have at least once every holiday season as it reminds me of having this meal every year growing up! My go-to is the Quarter Chicken with a double side of stuffing, because stuffing has to be my very favourite holiday side dish and this stuffing is SO good! Definitely a holiday favourite of mine! Plus, let’s be honest, who doesn’t love those Lindt chocolates that come with the meal too?!

So, this weekend as I begin my holiday break, I plan on curling up with Herman, watching a few cheesy Christmas movies and ordering in as a way to kick-off my holidays without the need for cooking!

Do you have any favourite food related holiday traditions? Let me know in the comments below!

holiday festive special
holiday festive special
holiday festive special from swiss chalet
holiday festive special swiss chalet