Give Where You Live

Over the years in my blogging ‘journey’ I’ve had the opportunity to do a lot of great things. I’ve been able to partner with so many incredible brands and participate in so many cool experiences and as I sit back and reflect, I’m amazed at all that’s happened over the past 5+ years here on 204 Park.

When I started my blog I wanted to do so to share what inspires me and discoveries, products and businesses that I love but as time has gone on and my priorities have shifted, a big focus of mine has been to try to do more good through the blog. For me that means

  • continuing to share upbeat, positive, inspirational and ‘happy’ content that I hope puts a smile on your face

  • to support small, independent businesses, makers and artist who I think are doing great things, and

  • to take on a quality not quantity approach with the businesses that I partner with on sponsored posts

On that last note what I mean is that over the past 2-3 years especially as my blog has been my main source of income I’ve had the privilege of partnering with lots of brands that I love but, as I re-prioritize and re-focus the tone of my blog I realize that it’s no longer enough for me to work with a brand just because I’m already a fan or customer; I want to partner with businesses whose values align with mine and who are also trying to do good in the world.

be good do good

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Enter, TELUS.

I was thrilled with I had the opportunity to work with TELUS last year. As a long time customer of TELUS I was excited to work with a brand that I already knew and loved but what I discovered through that partnership last year was that there is SO MUCH that TELUS is doing to give back that I had no idea about even as a TELUS customer.

Since 2000, TELUS (the company, it’s employees and retirees) has contributed $1.2 billion, through $682 million in financial support and 1.3 million days of volunteerism and in 2018 alone, TELUS contributed $150 million to charitable and community organizations and volunteered 1 million hours. Let that sink in for a minute because that my friends is freaking incredible.

Over the last year or so I found myself struggling a bit with the blogging world because at times all of the push for consumerism can feel a bit overwhelming and truthfully, wasteful. So to hear that a major corporation like TELUS is prioritizing being the #MostGivingCompany in Canada, is a breath of fresh air.

When TELUS talks about connection it’s not just staying connected in the literal sense through their wireless mobile and web services, they’re truly talking about connection through community, and giving back not just in dollars, but with time too. And let’s be honest, when time is our most valuable resource, it’s incredible to see those volunteer hours being prioritized.

Last weekend I was able to join TELUS employees and my fellow TELUS Ambassador Linda in learning about TELUS’ partnership with the Nature Conservancy of Canada. I was especially interested in learning about this partnership with TELUS because spending time outdoors is one of my favourite things to do. As I get older, I find myself so much more appreciative and in awe of nature so finding ways to give back to our environment and the animals that live in it, is very important to me.We also laughed our butts off building our own birdhouses because let me tell you - we are definitely not carpenters but we had so much fun and if we can do it, you can too! Plus, check out my finished birdhouse - not too shabby, hey?! haha

the nature conservancy of canada
TELUS #mostgivingcompany
TELUS #givewhereyoulive
bird house tips #themostgivingcompany

We learned about some of the work that the NCC is doing particularly to help the bird population in Alberta as well as the rest of the country. Due to many of the natural habitats for our province’s birds being taken over by humans, we learned that an easy way to help is to put a bird box in your yard. So simple, right? Although different species of birds have different preferences, we learned a few basic rules in case you’d like to help out in your own backyard:

  • Face your bird box away from prevailing winds, a minimum of 5m away from bird baths and feeders and in a spot high enough that cats can’t jump on top

  • Ideally, placing your bird box outside before breeding season (in AB - that’s before the end of March) allows the birds time to discover it

  • At the end of the season, clean out the old nesting material in your bird box so that it’s ready to go for next season!

Linda and I had a lot of fun learning about the Nature Conservancy of Canada and also how TELUS is choosing to become the #MostGivingCompany. I feel so proud to be able to work with a brand like TELUS who prioritizes giving back and after the weekend’s activities I’m feeling inspired to continue to do more in my personal life to give back to causes that are near and dear to me as well.

What are your favourite causes to support? Let me know in the comments below, I’d love to know what’s important to you!
